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     Response to coronavirus concerns
    Update letter from the pastor 

    Aug. 20, 2020

    Swift Family,

    At the church’s session meeting on Monday, Aug. 17, we voted to move toward Step 3 of our COVID-19 response. That step is listed below. The daily confirmed infections for Baldwin county have decreased significantly over the past two weeks. While we cannot guarantee safety, we can, we believe, begin to worship together in the sanctuary with proper attention to procedures known to reduce the possibility of infection.

    Thank you for your survey responses. They are helpful as we move forward with our planning. If you have not completed the emailed, Facebook, or postal mail survey, please do so ASAP.

    Here’s what we’re doing to make in-person worship happen:

    ■ On Sundays, Aug. 30 and Sept. 6, worship will be outside at 8 a.m. in front of the historic chapel (canceled with rain). Bring chairs, face masks, bug spray, and noisemakers as you did for other outside services.

    ■ Purchase UV filters (if available) for the sanctuary HVAC systems.

    ■ Worship will follow the Step 3 procedures (see below) as approved in May.

    ■ We understand people may choose to stay home. For them, ministry will continue as it has over the past six months.

    We will continue to post complete worship services online via Facebook and YouTube. These will be available at 10:00 Sunday mornings or anytime following. We will also continue to send printed sermons by postal mail to those who wish to continue receiving them.

    Our goal is to return to the sanctuary on Sept. 13.

    As always, if the church can provide ministry for you, contact one of the pastors, or the church office.

    God’s grace and peace,
    Pastor Keith

    Step 3 — This step begins when there is a sharp decline in confirmed infections and deaths using best available information. Continue Steps 1 and 2 unless replaced by the following:

    ■ Worship resumes on Sunday mornings with limited seating — with proper sanitizing and safe practices that include but are not limited to availability of masks, sanitizer; safe ways to receive communion, offerings, safe entry and exit strategy, 6-foot distancing between people not of one family unit.

    ■ No singing.

    ■ No child care will be provided for any on-site activity.

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    • Presbytery of S. Alabama
    • Synod of Living Waters


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    God joy


    23208 Swift Church Road
    Foley, AL 36535
    Phone: (251) 943-8367


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