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     Response to coronavirus concerns
    Here is the plan ... 

    June 3, 2020

    The 4 Steps To Return From a Season of Separation

    This is the four-step plan for return to life and ministry on Swift Church property approved by the Swift Presbyterian Church Session. The good news is that we have been in Step 1 and are ready to move to Step 2. Please keep in mind moving from one step to another is dependent on the best medical advice available. It is possible we might have to take a step back if the virus infections dramatically increase in our area.

     ►Step 1 
    Step 1 is where we have been for the past eleven weeks.

    ■ No in-person activities on site

    ■ Minimal church staff on site

    ■ Bible studies and other meetings via Zoom

    • ■ All off-site church-related activities are suspended — Two or More, etc.
    • ■ Worship is pre-recorded following safe practices and available weekly via Facebook, YouTube and the church website. Communion celebrated virtually on appointed communion Sundays.
    • ■ Concern and care for congregation from a distance

     ►Step 2 
    Items in Step 1 continue unless replaced by Step 2. We move to step 2 on June 7, 2020.

    ■ Small (12 or fewer people) groups (Sunday school classes, committees, youth, or any new group formed during this time) MAY meet on campus if observing safe practices — masks, 6-foot distancing, no food, proper sanitizing, outdoors, etc.

    ■ Church staff uses best safety practices for their ministry

    ■ Zoom meetings/Bible studies are still encouraged and welcomed.

    ■ Outdoor worship (at a time other than Sunday morning) is reasonable, observing safe practices.

    ■ No child care provided for any on-site activity

    ■ No live singing, responsive readings*

    ■ Non-singing music is allowed — recorded, live instruments (including chimes and/or handbells).

    ■ Musical groups that rehearse will practice safety procedures as described above

    ■ Sunday morning worship continues to be available online

    ■ We understand people with health concerns or vulnerable age may choose to stay home. Ministry will continue with them.

     ►Step 3 
    Step 3 begins when there is a sharp decline in confirmed infections and deaths using best available information. Continue steps 1 and 2 unless replaced by the following:

    ■ Worship resumes on Sunday mornings with limited seating (what that will look like, how many services, will be determined) with proper sanitizing and safe practices that include but are not limited to availability of masks, sanitizer; safe ways to receive communion, offerings, safe entry and exit strategy, 6-foot distancing between people not of one family unit.

    ■ Continue these restrictions:

    No child care provided for any on-site activity

    No live singing, responsive readings*

    ■ Recordings and live instruments (including chimes and/or handbells) allowed

    ■ Musical groups that rehearse will practice safety procedures as described above.

    ■ We understand people with health concerns or vulnerable age may choose to stay home. Ministry will continue with them.

     ►Step 4 
    Step 4 begins when it is physically safe to do so. (Session in consultation with task force will make this decision)

    ■ Fully open campus for worship, meetings, Bible classes, fellowship, etc

    ■ Continue to provide online worship in addition to onsite worship

    ■ Continue appropriate safe practices

    ■ Continue opportunity for Zoom meetings/Bible studies in addition to onsite classes.

    ■ Revisit ban on singing and spoken responses

    ■ Continue to support people hesitant about physically returning

    *A word about singing: Science and data conclude that group singing is high-risk because of the force with which aerosols are dispersed. Neither spacing of singers or wearing of masks alleviates the risk. Speaking together in unison is less risky than singing but also intensifies the projection of aerosols that drop on pews, hymnals, and are carried by air currents. For more on this, read the following article:


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    • Presbytery of S. Alabama
    • Synod of Living Waters


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    23208 Swift Church Road
    Foley, AL 36535
    Phone: (251) 943-8367


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