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 2022 worship service videos
Welcome to worship

Welcome to worship
at Swift Presbyterian Church of Foley, Alabama.
Thank you for worshiping with us today.

►2022 worship services 

Dec. 25: Christmas Day
John 1:1–14

Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
Isaiah 9:2–7  Luke 2:1–20 (NRSV)

Dec. 18: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 7:10–16  Matthew 1:18–25 (NRSV)

Dec. 11: Third Sunday of Advent
Luke 1:46b–55 (NRSV)
Christmas music program

Dec. 4: Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 11:1–10  Matthew 3:1–12

Nov. 27: First Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 2:1–5 Matthew 24:36–44

Nov. 20: Christ the King Sunday
A Celebration of the Church Year

Nov. 13
Isaiah 65:17–25  Luke 21:5–19

Nov. 6
Psalm 145:1–5,17–21 Luke 20:27–38

Oct. 30: All Saints’ Day
Psalm 32:1–7 • Luke 19:1–10

Oct. 23
Psalm 84:1–7 • Luke 18:1–14

Oct. 16
Psalm 121 • Luke 18:1–18

Oct. 9
Psalm 111 • Luke 17:11–19

Oct. 2
Psalm 37:1–9 • Luke 17:5–10

Sept. 25
1 Timothy 6:6–19 • Luke 16:19–31

Sept. 18
Jeremiah 8:18–9:1 • Luke 16:1–13
Philippians 4:6–7 • Colossians 3:15 • Isaiah 52:7

Sept. 11
1 Timothy 1:12–17 • Luke 15:1–10

Sept. 4
Psalm 139:1–6,13–18 • Luke 14:25–33

Aug. 21
‘The Cast of the Story’

Psalm 103:1–8  Luke 13:10–17

Aug. 14
Hebrews 11:29–2:2  Luke 12:49–56

Aug. 7:
‘Fear Not, Little Flock’

Hebrews 11:1–3,8–16  Luke 12:32–40

July 31:
‘You Can’t Take It With You’

Psalm 107:1–9,43  Luke 12:13–21

July 24:
‘Lord, Teach Us To Pray’

Psalm 85  Luke 11:1–13

July 17:
“Five ‘One Things’ ”

Colossians 1:15–28  Luke 10:38–42

July 10:
‘Who Is My Neighbor?’

Psalm 25:1–10  Luke 10:25–37

July 3:
‘Independent or Interdependent’

Galatians 6:1–16–25  Luke 10:1–11,16–20

June 26:
‘Being Guided by the Spirit’

Galatians 5:1,13–25  Luke 9:51–62

June 19:
‘Responding to God’s Call’

1 Kings 19:1–15a  Luke 8:26–39

June 12:
‘God in Community, Holy in One’

Proverbs 8:1–4,22–31  John 16:12–15

June 5:
‘If You Love Me …’

Acts 21–21  John 14:8–17,25–27

May 29:
‘Faith, Hope and Love: The Love of Jesus’

John 17:20–26

May 22:
‘The Parable of the Rich Fool’

Ecclesiastes 2:17–26 Luke 12:13–21

May 15:
‘God’s Plan’

Acts 11:1–18

May 8:
‘Led in Right Paths’

Psalm 23, RSV

At Art in the Park:
‘Who’s In Charge Here?’

John 10:22–28

May 1:
‘Follow Me’

John 21:1–19

April 24:
‘Do You Believe?’

John 20:19–31, NKJV

April 17:
Easter Sunday

John 20:1–18

April 15:
Good Friday

A service of Tenebrae

April 10:
‘Between Parades’

Luke 29:28–40  Luke 22:39–41

April 3:
‘A Dinner Party To Remember’

John 12:1–8

March 27:
‘Welcome Home’

Luke 15:1–3,11b–32  2 Corinthians 5:16–17 

March 20:

Isaiah 55:1–9 Luke 13:1–9 

March 13:
‘Psalms Teach Us To ...’

Passages from Psalms 

March 6:
‘Faithfulness in the Wilderness’

Psalm 2:4–9  Isaiah 42:1–4  Luke 4:1–13

March 2:
Ash Wednesday

Joel 2:1–2,12–17  2 Corinthians 5:20b–6:10  Psalm 51:1–17

Feb. 27:
‘Have You Seen Jesus?’

Exodus 34:29–30  2 Corinthians 3:17–18  Luke 9:28–36

Feb. 20:
‘Exactly as You Are’

Romans 5:6–11   Romans 12:4–10  Luke 6:37–38

Feb. 13:
‘The Prophetic Life’

Genesis 45:3–11,15 Luke 6:27–38

Feb. 6:
‘Fishing Lessons’

Luke 5:1–11

Jan. 30:
‘Step Away and Pray’

Matthew 14:22–33

Jan. 23:
‘Returning What You Have Lent Me’

2 Kings 2:9–14

Jan. 23:
Thank you, Pastor Keith

Retired Jan. 28, 2022 

Jan. 16:
‘A Nose Hair in the Body of Christ’

1 Corinthians 12:12–27

Jan. 9:
‘Open the Box’

1 Corinthians 12:4–11

Jan. 2:
‘When They Saw the Star’

Matthew 2:1–12

Jan. 1:
New Year’s Day

Starting 2022

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• Synod of Living Waters


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God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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