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October 2022

The Practice of Passionate Worship


Dear Siblings in Christ,


The first Sunday in October is World Communion Sunday. When we gather around the Lord's table at Swift Church, we also gather with our siblings in Christ all over the world. Each time I celebrate the Lord's Supper, I am reminded that the sacrament is about more than just me. In his Alaskan Journal, Thomas Merton wrote about communion, and unity. The deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. It is beyond words. It is beyond speech. It is beyond concept. Not that we discover a new unity, but we discover an old unity. My dear brothers and sisters, we are already one. But we imagine we are not. And what we have to recover is our original unity. What we have to be, is what we are. As we journey together through this threshold time, we are called to discover who we are and what God is calling us to be. 


Grace and Peace,


Pastor Michael 


Swift Session met on September 26, 2022, moderated by Rev. Michael Moore. We opened the meeting in prayer and reflected on Isaiah 43.

We reviewed financial information, officially approved the hiring of our office assistant Stephanie Craft and determined the schedule for Minutes for Mission over the month of October. We then got an update on the Nominating Committee's work seeking those to serve as elders, deacons, and trustees. An update of Preschool was also provided.

Session then moved on to new business including a prayerful decision to move the 10AM worship service from the Sanctuary to the Chapel starting October 9th. To bring us together in fellowship we will be sharing a meal at a later date between the two services. We also began our initial discussion of the process to call a new pastor and we will continue that conversation at the October meeting.

Thank you all for praying for us as we work to serve our church family.


Intercessory Prayer Group 9:00am 

Every Wednesday in the Chapel

Please prayerfully consider coming to pray with us!

Finance Committee


Wednesday, October 12

in Annex, Room 2

Preschool Board


Wednesday, October 12

in Annex, Room 2

Church Session


Monday, October 17 

Annex Room 2

Deacons Meeting

10:00 am

Thursday, October 13

Fellowship Hall

County Place Senior Living Worship Service

Swift Church will be leading an offsite Worship Service at Country Place Senior Living in Foley on October 2nd. We plan to offer the service on the first Sunday of each month at 1:00pm in their Great Room. Leadership includes a rotation of Pastor Jody Beth and Philip Melton, Jane (and Derek) Capsis, and Kendall (and Vickie) Loper.

Please support this ministry with your prayers! Although Brenda (Jody Beth's Mom) who lives there is able to join us most Sundays for worship, many of the residents are not able to get out to church services. So we feel called to meet them where they are!


Thursday, Dec. 15, 6 p.m. at The Gift Horse Restaurant


The cost for the buffet is $20. If we can use the church's tax-exempt number, payment will be required in advance, with 10% added to cover gratuity, because payment would have to made via the church. However, if we don't get to use the tax-exempt number, everyone will pay on their own and cover their own tax and tip. 


We are required to provide a minimum headcount no later than Thursday, Dec. 9. Therefore, please confirm with Mary McNair by text (251-295-5267) or email ( as soon as you know you are planning to come.


(This dinner will be in place of Butterfly Girls and Guys' Night Out monthly dinner.) (NOTE: If you cancel after the count has been provided and you aren't able to find anyone else to take your spot, payment will still be required to the restaurant to cover their costs to guarantee the buffet.) If this creates a financial hardship, please let Mary know since someone has graciously offered to sponsor folks for this dinner.



A reminder that our All Saints Day celebration is October 30th. If you are aware of a church member or friend of the Church that has died since November 7, 2021, please let the church office know. It does take me some time to assign bells to each Saint, so please let us know as soon as possible. We take this very seriously and want to do our very best for this service.


Looking ahead, our Christmas music program is Dec 11th. I would love to put together a chime choir for this event. I already have 3 people who have indicated that they would play, but I'll be needing more to cover the required parts. This group does not need to know how to read music. We have the song text in front of us and the words are circled for when each person plays their chime. It is a fun group to play in, and it is always fun to play Christmas music. Please let me know if you are interested.  


The Practice

of Radical



Two or More 

will meet for lunch

Thursday, October 6th at 11:30am

Captain's Choice Grill

in the Foley Bowling Alley

Please RSVP to Pastor Jody Beth by text at

251-213-6625 or email at

Butterfly Girls & Guys Night Out

Thursday, October 20 at 6:00pm

El Toro 3645 Gulf Shores Pkwy Gulf Shores

We gather together once a month for great conversation and fellowship over dinner. Men and women sit separately. If you've never come, please consider joining us, it's a great way to get to know others in the church, and guests are welcome as well. Please RSVP to Mary McNair by text at 251-295-5267 or email at Please provide the names of all for whom you are making the reservation and indicate any who would like a ride.

The Practice

of Risk-Taking

Mission & Service

Prayer Shawl Ministry

will meet on Wednesday, October 5 at 8:45am

in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us!

Food Pantry

The Food Pantry served 188 families and 534 individuals

in September and is open every

Wednesday from 10:00 - 11:00am.

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer one or two Wednesday mornings each month to distribute food from 9:45-11:00am, please contact Kathy Menk at 251-518-7966.

We received this poster from

Living Waters for the World

thanking the church for our contribution!

Swift Financial Assistance

If you are in financial need from lack of work, medical bills, or other reasons, please contact Pastor Michael or Pastor Jody Beth for assistance. Your generosity to the Pastors' Discretionary Fund allows us to provide those in need with financial support. 


Zane Brewer - US Marine Corp, Jacksonville, North Carolina

Dennis Trey Brown - US Army, Fairbanks, Arkansas

Jeffrey Cain - Coast Guard, Miami, Florida

David Esparza - US Marine Corp, Jacksonville, North Carolina

Cody Havel - USN, Jacksonville, Florida

Rich Kleen - Quantico, Virginia

Jeremy Rechkemmer - US Army

Jeremy Timm - Major, National Guard, Arkansas

Tarah Young - US Army, South Korea

The Practice

of Intentional Faith


Adult Sunday School Class Led by Bill and Catherine

meets in the Annex, Room 2 every Sunday at 9:00am.

Snacks with Susan and Daryl

Have you ever wondered more about Simon Peter. the disciple that Jesus called the Rock I will build my church upon? Yes, that Simon Peter that denied Jesus when he needed him most. The Simon Peter that is mentioned by name 120 times in the Bible- the Flawed but Faithful Disciple. Simon Peter sure sounds a lot like us- a real person with real challenges. Join us for Adam Hamilton's study - we meet at 9AM in the Fellowship Hall and we'd love for you to join us. 

The Practice

of Extravagant


Extravagant Generosity describes practices of sharing and giving that exceed all expectations and extend to unexpected measures. Thank you for your generous pledges and ongoing offerings. Your support and commitment to our church is greatly appreciated.



Reverend Michael Moore

Interim Pastor


Pastor Jody Beth Melton

Assistant Pastor


Sena Cooper

Administrative Assistant

Stephanie Craft

Administrative Assistant


Dorsey Corley

Preschool Director

Lisa Cardwell

Director of Music

Jenni Cain


Church Office 251-943-8367

Church Website

   Find us on


• Presbytery of S. Alabama
• Synod of Living Waters


to bring

God joy


23208 Swift Church Road
Foley, AL 36535
Phone: (251) 943-8367


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