Sunday announcements |
Feb. 2 • 2025
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
►10 a.m. in the sanctuary | |
‘Love Never Ends’
— The Rev. Alexandra Hutson,
Jeremiah 1:4–10 • 1 Corinthians 13:1–13
■ The Lord’s Supper will be served. All are invited to the table.
■ Our new choir will sing today.
■ Church officers will be installed and ordained.
■ Cindy Fisher of the Presbyterian Home for Children in Talladega will worship with us. She will provide a “minute for mission” about the home and play a hymn on her flute.
■ This is bring-a-friend Sunday. Welcome to everyone joining us for worship.
■ To join “live stream” worship, go to Facebook — Swift Presbyterian Church.
■ Worship services are available for viewing in the afternoon on the church website and YouTube.
■ Bulletins for today and recent weeks. Click here.
| Join us for refreshments and fellowship in the fellowship hall immediately after the worship service.
Please consider signing up to bring a treat for our fellowship time.
Treats can be store-bought or homemade; sweets, fruits, veggies or meats.
There is a sign-up sheet in the fellowship hall, and if you have questions, please contact, by voice or text, Barb Kelleher, (251) 269-9815.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
Join us in the fellowship hall on Feb. 9 after worship for our “Souper Bowl Sunday” soup-tasting event. Please bring a crockpot or insulated container of your favorite soup, stew or chili. We will share our ladlefuls with all attendees. We will also need breads, rolls or crackers to soak up every last drop of goodness. For more information, or to sign up to bring something, please call Lynn Barnwell, 251-979-7581.
Please bring a can of soup or cash donation for our food pantry.
God is good all the time.
■ Intercessory prayer group meets each Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the chapel.
“Anna continued faithfully in prayer until her prayer was answered.
“Faithful praying may mean a lifetime of waiting to receive an answer. God is looking for intercessors who are willing to continue to pray and to believe until they see God’s answer, even if that does not happen in this lifetime.”
— From Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
■ Our food pantry is open to serve the community on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m.
The food pantry is open on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. to serve the community.
This week, we served 96 families, including 364 people.
If you are interested in helping or know of someone who might be interested, please consider getting involved or at least share the opportunity to volunteer with others.
If you have questions or want to volunteer, please contact Jan Taylor (251‑978‑6418).
| Many of our food pantry clients are not prepared for this cold weather. We will collect clean, gently used winter items — all sizes of coats, jackets, scarves, gloves, hats, and blankets are needed; whatever you can spare and share with our clients. Items may be placed in the box in the back of the main sanctuary. The food pantry is asking for some blankets that were requested by our recipients. If you would like to have your items picked up at your house, please contact Kathy Menk, 251-518-7966. Thank you.
►‘Snacks with Susan and Daryl’ discussion class | |
Love isn’t a feeling. It’s an activity. It’s something you do. And participating in the act of love is the secret to understanding God’s love — the secret to a life well lived.
How is that kind of love done?
The how is what this study is about. Real growth happens when you learn how to tap into the empowering, energizing love of God. Using it fills you. Risking it secures you. Giving it satisfies you.
⯀ I’m With You — we’ve been given the invitation to love. Taking it seriously is where life meets faith.
⯀ Free To Fail — exploring the nature of failure, how it works, and what God does
with it.
⯀ Audacious Love — understanding why receiving love is essential to giving love.
⯀ Be Not Afraid — chasing out the anxieties that keep us from acting and living the life that Jesus has called us to.
⯀ Follow Me — delving into how to bring our passions and plans together and bind them to God’s plan.
Join Snacks with Susan and Daryl as we dive into our February study. We meet in annex room 4 on Sundays at 9 a.m. We hope to see you there.
►Adult Bible study class, led by Bill and Catherine | |
We have begun a new study in the Book of Hebrews. Come join us in this new journey. We meet on Sundays at 9 a.m. in annex room 2.
Thank you for your generous pledges and ongoing offerings. Your support and commitment to Swift Church is greatly appreciated.
Prayers and concerns
►Please let us know . . . | |
Please call the church or email to notify us of any joys or concerns; birthdays, anniversaries, health issues or family deaths so that we may put it in the weekly emailed announcements for your church family to pray with you or to praise God for your joy. (We don’t publish personal prayer concerns on the website.)
■ Jenni Cain has been our pianist for 18 years. Please join us in congratulating Jenni for her continued service here at Swift.
►Please remember our military friends and families in your prayers. | |
Names are listed in the monthly newsletter.
If you would like to place flowers on the chancel to honor or celebrate a loved one or a special occasion or “just because,” please contact Susie Alexander at 217-246-4051.
Are you willing to serve as a liturgist, acolyte or greeter/usher? Contact Marvin King or Eunice Ray, worship elders.
►Church staff and contact information | |